My main task here in Indonesia is to help our hospital to work out good strategic plans. It’s a very interesting task since long-term strategies seems to not be very prominent in the Indonesia culture.
There’s also a translation issue about the word itself, Misi (mission), apparently have a different meaning for Indonesians that I use it. In this presentation I clarify how I use the word: as the reason for an organization to exists - our purpose.
Here’s all the post in the series (the links will work as I post them):
- ca 10 minutes on Mission statements (this post)
- ca 10 minutes on Vision statements
- ca 15 minutes on Strategic plans
- ca 15 minutes on Impact mapping
- ca 15 minutes on kanban
- ca 10 minutes on root cause analysis
- ca 10 minutes on effective meetings
Please read the reason and ideas behind the entire series in the first post.
In the presentation I go through a couple of examples and take a look at the good and bad parts of them.
There’s also a short segment about values, which I have blogged about before.
You can see the presentation here, with EXCELLENT subtitles :):
And find my slides here:
I hope you like it - love your feedback!