When I describe what HTMx does to people that has never heard about it I often end up telling them about the good old days when we wrote server-side rendered apps, but sadly that replaced the whole page. And then came SPA frameworks and all you got downloaded in the first page access was a <div id="app></div>
, then the app got rendered by JavaScript from JSON and the whole concept of the web, HTTP and REST got lost.
HTMx marries these two together. But showing the main.ejs
as it stands right now reminds me too much about the old days. Let’s clean it up, and we will soon see that it will look much like a modern SPA, with the huge difference that it is using server rendered HTML that and is easy to grasp.
This is the sixth post in a series that I’m making about HTMx that I think is utterly amazing and will change how I (we?) write web apps in the future.
You are more than welcome to read from here, but then I would recommend getting the code from this point, if you intend to type along.
There’s nothing wrong with the structure of today, other than it looks a bit like ASP-pages from 2001. But it works, is quite reasonable. Here’s a snippet of main.ejs
that shows the problem:
<h1><%= envs.APP_NAME %></h1>
<% if (!user) { %>
<%- include("partials/auth/googleSignIn.ejs", {envs})%>
<% } else { %>
<%- include("partials/auth/userProfile.ejs", {user}) %>
<% } %>
<main class="todo-container">
<% if (!user) { %>
<h2>Log in to see your To-do list</h2>
<% } else { %>
<div hx-get="/todo/new" hx-trigger="load"></div>
<div id="todo-list" hx-get="/todo" hx-trigger="load"></div>
<% } %>
What if we just move that to an endpoint on the server? I was surprised that change did not only clean up main.ejs
but also actually helped me refine and clarify each view.
The <nav>
can be improved by adding a hx-trigger="load"
which means that we will call to an endpoint when its first loaded:
<nav hx-get="/nav" hx-trigger="load"></nav>
And the backend looks like this:
app.get("/nav", (req, res) => {
const templateName = req?.session?.user ? "userProfile.ejs" : "googleSignIn.ejs";
return res.render(`partials/auth/${templateName}`, {
user: req?.session?.user,
Here I check if there’s a req?.session?.user
and in that case render the userProfile.ejs
(in the partials/auth
folder), otherwise I render the googleSignIn.ejs
The googleSignIn.ejs
will post back to HTTP POST /auth/login
(see part II) and at the end of that route we see this code:
// Login in firebase
// create session object
req.session.user = sessionData;
return res.redirect("/");
This feels reasonable for me; when we have logged in, we can rerender the entire page, since many things have to be updated.
Now, when the <nav hx-get="/nav" hx-trigger="load">
fires we will HTTP GET /nav
and then render the userProfile.ejs
with some user data.
Each part is easy to understand and reason about. The nav
bar too, which is now tiny.
- the home of the app
Let’s make a similar change to the <main>
<main class="todo-container" hx-get="/main" hx-trigger="load"></main>
And then we implement this backend:
import { getAppViewData } from "./routes/todo.js";
app.get("/main", async (req, res) => {
if (!req?.session?.user) {
return res.send("<h2>Log in to see your Todo list</h2>");
} else {
return res.render("todo/app.ejs", await getAppViewData());
I’m doing a similar check here and just send back a string when you don’t have a session (i.e. are not logged in).
When you are logged in I render the todo/app.ejs
which is a wrapper for the new.ejs
and list.ejs
<%- include("new.ejs") %>
<hr />
<%- include("list.ejs", {todos, counters}) %>
Notice that I need to pass todos
and counters
to the list.ejs
. To get that data I need a helper function from the todo/
route. I change that endpoint to this:
export const getAppViewData = async () => {
const todos = await getAllTodos();
const counters = getCounters(todos);
return {todos, counters};
router.get("/", async (req, res) => {
const appViewData = await getAppViewData();
res.render("todo/list.ejs", { ...appViewData, addSwapOOB: true });
Now I can pass that getAppViewData
to the app.ejs
But it felt a bit weird that the counters.ejs
belonged to the list.ejs
-view. We did that when we created the out-of-bands update.
But the counters.ejs
is not really part of the list.ejs
. I update the app.ejs
to this:
<%- include("new.ejs") %>
<hr />
<%- include("list.ejs", {todos}) %>
<%- include("counters.ejs", {counters, addSwapOOB: true}) -%>
(That weird addSwapOOB: true
is just me enabling different ways to show you event-driven-updates.)
That made the list.ejs
very clean. I just wrapped it in it’s div
- that also belongs to the list, don’t you think (before it was in main.ejs
<div id="todo-list">
<% todos.forEach(todo => { %>
<%- include("todo-list-item.ejs", {todo}) -%>
<% }) %>
And with that we have refactored our application to be cleaner, and utilize more of the HTMx approach of building event-driven (load
) applications so that it looks SPA-y but really is all just endpoints responding with HTML.
This feels better since it now shows a very clean first page:
<nav hx-get="/nav" hx-trigger="load"></nav>
<main class="todo-container" hx-get="/main" hx-trigger="load"></main>
<footer id="counters" hx-trigger="ITEM_UPDATED from:body" hx-get="/todo/counters">
<p>There will be counters here when you log in</p>
Just like with a SPA, the first load is just an empty div. But in our case a <main>
with a hx-trigger="load"
that then fetch the other parts of the application. It becomes like a little component. Indeed - I can add more of them on my page, should I want to.
In the process we got an opportunity to make our application a little more DRY.
The code is found here in the state that I left it in at the end of this post.. The current main
is found here.