Making boring fun - bash and Node to the rescue

· August 26, 2021

I rarely get paid to write code these days… or that is people rarely ask me to write code. But since I’m a programmer at heart it is one of the tools in my toolbelt, regardless of what kind of tasks I’m given.

Today I got asked:

Could you please list all Open Source Licenses we are using, and all the dependencies all our code is using.

Considering we have 130+ repositories I was what the scientist refer to as a boring task.

Let’s make it more fun with code.

I’m gonna wield my bash- and Node-swords to solve this sucker. And I was looking to do some functional programming exercises too - let’s see if we can squeeze all of that in there.

Getting the licenses out of the repos

Each repository has a package.json file that contains a license field. After npm install we will get a lot of package.jsons in the node_module folder for each repository.

My idea is to write a bash script that runs npm install in each of the repository folders and then grep the license field out of the package.json files somehow.

I already had a script that clones all our repositories, so that part was easy.

Next up I needed to loop through all the local repository folders and execute a command (npm i) in each. Luckily I had already done something similar so I could write it pretty easy. Like this:

find . -maxdepth 1 -type d \( ! -name . \) -exec bash -c "cd '{}' && npm I --silent" \;

This will find each directory (-d flag) and then execute ( -exec-flag) command for each. The command for me is cd '{}' && npm I --silent , that is executed as bash command (bash -c).

Nice - that took … a very long time. 5Gb worth of NPM packages downloaded, thank you very much.

Ok - now I have the raw data on my disk. The next part was tricky for me since I needed to find all the package.json files and then pull out the license field of each.

Turns out that bash thinks it’s easy:

find ./ -type f -name "package.json" -print0 | xargs -0 grep -i '"license"' > ~/temp/allLicenses.txt

Bom - easy! Eeeh or not. Again we find all files -f with the name -name “package.json”. We then use the mighty xargs (that I don’t really grasp yet) and pass the first parameter -0 to grep. This would be the filename from the find command.

grep -i '"license"' pulls the license field and value out of each package.json.

Finally, I send the output to a file, rather than barfing it out in the console (> ~/temp/allLicenses.txt)

Putting all of that together in a single script looks like this

Ok - we now have a lot of lines like this:

.//jsfs-lab-reactTictactoe/node_modules/indexes-of/package.json:  "license": "MIT",
.//jsfs-lab-reactTictactoe/node_modules/pako/package.json:  "license": "(MIT AND Zlib)",
.//jsfs-lab-reactTictactoe/node_modules/postcss-attribute-case-insensitive/package.json:  "license": "MIT",

Like a lot. ≈33000. That is fun and all but even Google Sheet couldn’t swallow all of that. Let’s crunch it with code!

Counting with Node

My next task was twofold - I wanted to count the number of times a certain license was used and then count the number of times a certain package was used.

Sound functional and math-y to me…

I decided to ditch bash now, and used JavaScript and Node instead, since I know it better and can make some more advanced things with it.

I created a licenseCounter.mjs file and went to work. .mjs means that I’m not using CommonJs and can use stuff like import and async/await in my code. I like that.

The initial version is pretty boring and just reads all of those lines into a constant

import fs from "fs";
import util from "util";

const readFile = util.promisify(fs.readFile);

const file = await readFile("./allLicenses.txt");
const lines = file.toString().split(`\n`);

Yes. I get a glorious 32153 printed. We’re off to a good start.

I then decided to mold the lines into some nice objects in a long array. For this, I will .map over the lines. In true functional style, I created a few lower-order functions (? is that even a word). I mean some helpers that make my .map look nice.

const getRepoName = (line) => {
  return line.split("/")[0];

const getDependencyName = (line) => {
  if (!line.indexOf("/node_modules/")) {
    return "";

  const nodeModules = line.split("/node_modules/")[1];
  if (!nodeModules) {
    return "";

  return nodeModules.split("/package.json")[0];

const getLicense = (line) => {
  const license = line.split('"license": "')[1];
  if (!license) {
    return "";
  return license.split('"')[0];

const dependencyLicenses = => {
  return {
    repo: getRepoName(line),
    dependency: getDependencyName(line),
    license: getLicense(line),

Nothing strange here really, other than I have to trust the data to be structured in a certain way. I do since I trust grepto be consistent. Otherwise, I will soon know it.

(I actually did a search and replace here to get rid of the ``.//` at the beginning of each line. Call me lazy - it was easier)

Ok - great now we have objects that look like

  "repo": "jsfs-lab-reactTictactoe",
  "dependency": "@types/json-schema",
  "license": "MIT"

Nice - now for the counting.

Doing aggregations of any sort in a functional way means turning to the dreaded and powerful .reduce. Reduce takes an array and reduces it like a sauce boiling for hours down to one value.

That value, in my case, needs to be two type of object that looks like this:

{ license: 'MIT', quantity: 14 }
{ dependency: '@types/json-schema', quantity: 123 }

The code, that took me some iterations to write, ended up like this:

const makeKeyable = (val) => val.replace(/\s/g, "").toLowerCase();

const licenseCounts = [];
dependencyLicenses.reduce((res, value) => {
  const key = makeKeyable(value.license);
  if (!res[key]) {
    res[key] = { license: value.license, quantity: 0 };
  res[key].quantity += 1;
  return res;
}, {});
  • The makeKeyable is a way for me to ensure that the license name can be a key of a JavaScript object. The license string contains spaces so I remove them. With RegEx mind you - I feel like a kid with a chainsaw
  • .reduce take, as the first parameter, a callback with two values
    • res is the result variable, and is also initialized as the second parameter to .reduce to an empty object {}
    • value is the current value that we are looping through. One value out of the dependencyLicenses array, in other words
  • After making a key I check if this key exists before.
    • If not I initialize a new object with the license name and a quantity set to 0`
    • I also add it to a licenseCounts array so that I can loop over all counts later.
  • Once I know that the res[key] is properly initialized I can safely increment the quantity with 1 for each value
  • Finally, and the part that I always forget, I return the res object so that it can be accumulated to the loop.

Nice! Doing the same for the dependecies counting turns out to be very similar:

const dependencyCounts = [];
dependencyLicenses.reduce((res, value) => {
  const key = makeKeyable(value.dependency);
  if (!res[key]) {
    res[key] = { dependency: value.dependency, quantity: 0 };
  res[key].quantity += 1;
  return res;
}, {});

Perfect - I now have two arrays of these counts and can just print the to the console, but let’s show off and sort them in descending order first. Ah heck - let’s do it just before we print it to the console:

console.log("# Licenses");
  .sort((a, b) => b.quantity - a.quantity)
  .map((item) => console.log(`${item.license}, ${item.quantity}`));

console.log("# Dependencies");
  .sort((a, b) => b.quantity - a.quantity)
  .map((item) =>
      `${item.dependency}, ${item.quantity}`

Finally, I run this script like this, to get the output into a file rather than out in the console:

node licenseLister.mjs > ~/temp/licensesAggregations.txt


Ha! In your face, stupid boring task. I solved it and had fun doing it!

As always, I didn’t write this from start to finish like this and I stole just about all the parts from different articles and blog posts. But I do understand it and I did learn a lot, and I can explain it. Win, win, win!

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