This year has been a very strange one, for most of us. I thought I’d share a little Christmas Greeting.
For me personally, I’ve gone through one of the big personal crisis of my life that led to a sudden, and deep, fatigue syndrome. I am better but it takes longer that than I wanted and I still am fighting a lot of different symptoms of the sickness.
But there is hope. For all of us there is hope - we can do this. We can get through the pandemic, drepression and fear. I’m sure that we will make it - and I’m sure that we will come out stronger, wiser and probably learned a lot.
Before dragging y’all down into a hole of dispair I better get those Christmas Greetings out of the way, right?
- All lovely collegues at Salt - what a crazy year. Thanks for sharing it with me and thanks for amazing work, flexibility and success we have had during this time. And an extra big thank you for your care for me in the last months. It’s been great to feel that you care for me
- All the students at Salt, current and past - you are all winners and amazing. It’s a joy to follow your progress and see you how develop not only as software developers but as humans too. I’m so proud of each and everyone of you
- My friends at Aptitud, especially Anders Löwenborg - thanks for you special care for me. It means a lot of have you behind me.
- And all people at social media that have reached out to send a greeting to me, sometimes without me knowing you in the first place. I am so grateful. I’m not in a place where I can feel the full extent of that love but I still cheerish every greeting. Thank you so much
Finally - I wish you all a very Merry Christmas and hope for a new, better, stronger and healthier 2021. All the best to you and yours. God bless you all.
I have a favorite Swedish Christmas song that talks about this hope that we will be together again, and share in joy and fellowship together. For me there’s a sentence that sums up my last 6 months:
I have paused at the road to rest for a while
That’s where I am now. Life is on pause for while. But I’ll be back and share it with you all.
Here it is, with me playing together with my good friend Jon-Anders Martinhussen - Koppången by PerErik Moreus with a lovely lyric by Py Bäckman (translation below)
There is stillness and silence, as the ground is coloured white.
From the safe, old church the song is flowing out
I have paused at the road to rest for a while
And was caught by the borderland that unites night and day
And a ray of light behind the arched window frame
Has united those spirits that are here in time with us
And I know that those who have left us have understood that we are
Like flickering flames as long as we are here
There is stillness and silence as the hymn fades out
But I carry the old words in my heart just as before
And I sing to the heavens, maybe someone else listens
“Hosianna in the highest,” then I start to walk
And I go to the others, I want to feel Cristmas peace
I want to believe that He was born and exists with us in time
It is Christmas and there is a child in me that wants to think that it happened,
And that lights a candle every Advent Sunday