Refactoring a Koa app - or how I learned a lot about modern JavaScript while refactoring an old app

· June 5, 2018

I have learned so much by following the Koa Js community and framework over the years. My first post on the topic was written in March 2014, when Koa was just a little tiny bird trying out its wings (look up that reference…).

From that point I’ve written many posts, done a few screencasts for fun and other for profit.

4 years (MY GOD!) is a long period but in the JavaScript world it’s eons of time. I noticed that the other day when I refactored one of my later Koa applications into something more modern. I learned so much about the topics that I ran into, while upgrading my code and the resulting code was much more elegant, functional and understandable.

So… I thought I’d do it again. This time you can tag along. This post will be long, but hopefully worth it.

The case and introductions

My most viewed YouTube-video on programming is this one where I build out an API using Koa.

It has attracted a lot of views and a lot of comments from my handling of the keyboard. It was all recorded live (before I knew editing), in my bedroom in Bandung (you can hear roosters and dogs in the background).

The reason people like it, I think, is that it’s a small but complete domain and it’s built with tests.

However it’s hopelessly dated now. I will create a branch in my repository for the code and start updating it to a moderns stack. While doing so I will write about what I experience and think on how to structure the app today. It will not only be Koa things, but I will point out those changes as well.

What is this project?

It’s a very simple API return three type of resources. Thank to pure luck my infinite wisdom, I have split the application up into separate parts that can be run and tested separately. We will use this to break down the problem into smaller parts.

Ha - smaller is better! Who knew!?

Getting started

For reference I have installed Node v10.2.1 using the excellent nvm tool. But the code is written for something much much older. Aincient almost… Node 0.11.9 that was needed to get Koa to run. Bleeding edge back in the days.

Get, clone the repo from this tag and … tag along. Promise, that was the last bad joke in the article series.

Let’s start by fixing one of the “api”’s first. That will make the problem easier to grasp. Let’s go into the user cd apis/user.

Then run npm i (shortcut for npm install save those fingers). That create a package-lock.json that we will commit later. I suspect there will be a lot of updating here, shortly. There will be a lot of warning of deprecated packages, but that’s what we are here to fix. Don’t worry.

Get the tests to run

Nowadays the first thing I do is always to run npm run to see the commands avaible to me (you know npm scripting right? Saved my life!) When we can see that I’ve actually set up commands for testing and starting. Good on me!

Also good on me, is that I have written test. They are written as integrationtests using an excellent framework called supertest. This will serve excellent as a safety net for our refactoring.

My first order of business, if possible, is to get them to run. If I can get there then I can refactor more safely, knowning that the tests will let me know if I’ve done something stupid.

npm t (shortcut for npm test, that in turn is a shortcut for npm run test) and … baw-baw-baaaaw:

bad option: --harmony-generators

Ok kids - history lesson. Koa used (and still can use) a feature called generators. The inner workings of that is a bit complicated and out of scope of this article but I’ve recorded a screen cast on that too.

Anyway; at the time I wrote this code, Node didn’t support generator functions by default. Hence we need to use a flag to enable it. That flag in turn was only availble in Node versions above 0.11.9, which is the reason that version was important.

(A whole separate fork of Node, called iojs was created to get features like these faster. War, then love, emerged and now everyone is playing togther nicely. )

Since then it’s been included out of the box and this flag is not needed. Time to change some code. Let’s do as little as possible now and only update the test script to this

"scripts": {
	"test": "mocha -u bdd -R spec"

Sidenote; the strange ./node_modules/mocha/bin/mocha reference that I have in there is not needed. npm can use tools in the local node_modules-folder without that prefix. I didn’t know this at the time. Already an improvement.

Let’s run it again; npm t and … yes. New errors this time. Progress.

This time we get an error saying something like var skinClassName = 'Skin' +; ... Cannot read property 'name' of undefined . This has to do with a framework that I’m using to access MongoDb called Monk. The error is well-known and has been fixed, in later versions of the framework.

Let’s remove the monk-stuff and reinstall it npm uninstall monk co-monk -S and then npm install monk co-monk -S .

Then rerun the tests npm t. This will produce a slow-running test suite, all tests failing, because you havent started (or installed?) Mongod. Open a new terminal window or tab, and start MongoDb with mongod.

Then rerun the … you know what? This is tedious. Change the package.json test command to "test": "mocha -w -u bdd -R spec" that will watch your files for changes. Then rerun the test, for the last time; npm t.

Failure is progress - newspeak is here

This probably feels stupid, but we are actually making progress. Two tests are failing. 4 passing. The tests are also failing for new reason. If you scroll back up you will notice an error like

TypeError: Cannot read property 'apply' of undefined
      at Collection.findById

That’s JavaScript trying to be friendly and say that it doesn’t know what Collection.findById is. Monk has updated it’s api. We did a upgrade from 1.0.0 to 6.0.0 so that was kind of expected.

Ok - this is easy to fix, by using the excellent documentation of Monk. Let’s update the useage of .findById. It’s in the userRoutes.js file on line 30. Change it from

var user = yield users.findById(id);


var user = yield users.findOne({_id: id});

All documents in MongoDb gets an id called _id by default, and hence the code above finds one document with the _id matching the id we pass to it.

Now do a similar change for the .updateById and change line 38 into this:

yield users.findOneAndUpdate({_id: id}, userFromRequest);

Run the tests again npm t and … YES! They are now passing. Meaning that we have a nice little protection from introducing bugs while refactoring.


You can notice three things in my approach here:

  1. I made the smallest possible change. I did that because the test was not yet protecting me from failure. Call it a calculated risk, if you will.
  2. The test ran as soon as you saved the file. Yah for faster feedback!
  3. The tests are now passing. Time to check in!

And I think… time to end this blog post. It’s getting long already. I’ll post them all at once, but in parts.

Hold on and meet me in the next post where we will do some refactoring.

Here are all the posts in the series

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