I’ve just (October 21 2015) got news that my latest course for PluralSight is published.
This time I took the opportunity to put together a course on using npm (Node Package Manager) as a build tool. I think it makes for a very lightweight and flexible option for any JavaScript (or front-end heavy btw) project.
As you might know I’ve written a couple of posts on the topic:
- npm scripting: git, version and deploy
- npm scripting: configs and arguments… and some more tricks
- Pre and Post hooks for npm scripting
In the course I dive much deeper and the topics discussed are:
- Initializing package.json with npm
- Running and writing scripts with npm and package.json
- Writing custom scripts
- Short cuts for common scripts
- Pre and post hooks for scripts, see this
- Hooks for custom scripts
- Scripts useful for development, supporting tasks as:
- Compile Coffee-Script
- Compile TypeScript
- Refactoring
- Less Compilation
- Bundling with Browserify
- Minifying with Uglify
- Watching folders and files and trigger on change:
- Server Side Watching
- Watching the Unwatchable
- Using Nodemon
- Client Side Watching
- Live Reloading of Browser
- Versioning and deploying with npm, see this
- Incrementing Version Number
- Versioning Code in git
- Push Code to Repository
- Deploy the Application
- Launch the Application
- Other useful tricks with npm
I think this is by far the best course I’ve made for PluralSight (my third) and I also think the topic is interesting and useful for most any Node / Front-end developer or team. It’s simpler than Grunt/Gulp, quite simply.
I hope to see it do good.