Applying the Switch framework to developers don’t want to write tests

· May 3, 2012

Last week I attended the premier agile conference in Sweden, Agila Sverige. In one of the Open Space sessions we had a great discussion on why, still to this day, many developers don’t think writing test is important. Or at least boring and second grade job for a developer. The session was suggested by Ville Svärd who apparently has spent quite a lot of time on trying to convince developers that testing is important and also an important part of their job. So the whole session was just us sharing ideas and tips on how to help and convince developer to catch the testing-bug – it was aptly named “Testing is cool!”.

Yes, yes – you could argue that it’s simply just to hit them harder and tell them that “They must!”. But I don’t think that works particular well. At least it don’t stick. Around here I got to think about Switch and a blog post I wrote awhile back where I applied the Switch Framework to developers ignoring broken builds. Why not try that same trick again – I thought to myself. ‘¨

I’ve linked the Switch Framework about but really you need (you SHOULD) to read the whole book to make the most of it. I will just make small notes here and then try to use the problem at hand.

The problem – Developer don’t want to write tests

So the problem is that for many developers testing is an activity performed by testers. “I develop code – they test it”. The problem with that kind of thinking is, among others, that it builds queues of work that is fed back into development as bugs are discovered. In Kanban terms you are increasing your work in process. Which in turn will slow down all the work you are doing. In an agile setting you instead want to test and complete the work as far as possible as soon as possible. And get fast feedback on when you are breaking things that used to work.

Therefore a lot of agile practices focus on automated testing, for example TDD, automated acceptance testing and Specification by example are all practices that shorten the feedback loop. But, as I said, this hasn’t been understood by everybody yet – and many still frown upon testing code as a second grade citizen in code country.

Let’s apply the powerful, yet simple, Switch Framework to that problem and see if we can get some tips on how to get them on the train. I will steal from the points raised at the Agila Sverige Open space session I mentioned above.

The Switch framework – a short introduction

I borrow from my previous post and give you the short-short intro to Switch.

The authors have a image of the human psyche that they build a lot of their reasoning on; the image of a Rider on an Elephant (borrowed from Jonathan Haidt). The elephant is our emotion and the rider is our rational side. The rider controls the elephant with some reins from his topside position. The only problem is that if the six-ton elephant wants to go into the bushes to have something to eat … those reins will not help much.

In order to accomplish change you will have to address both the rider and the elephant part of people. The rider need clear instructions while the elephant need motivation and some reasons for why this should be done. Finally you need to shape the path on which they are going to be traveling. The Switch framework gives you some guidelines on how to accomplish that.

And there… I have now summed up about 4 pages in the book. Read the rest to get the full picture.


Direct the Rider

The rider here is of course aware of that tests are needed. He probably even understand and can be taught the WIP principle and why we want short feedback loops. But I’ve also come across riders that reason a lot about the maintainability of the test code, and that sure is a problem. Tests can become a burden if written wrong. So we need to address that point to.

Follow the bright spots

One good thing is to show on places and times when this has worked before. So you might have to write some tests yourself that is well written, easy to maintain and actually saved you from throwing bad stuff into production.

For me this happens almost every time I write my tests before my production code. It leads me to seeing stuff, order of if-statements, nestled loops etc. that otherwise would have slipped passed me.

When it comes to maintainable tests I would recommend to check in on the GOOS book or this presentation that both address that problem.

What you want is a short, well written example of when automated tests saved your butt! Shouldn’t be too hard to find – if you’re like me.

Script the critical moves

In the Switch framework this is all about making the change super simple to follow. In our context a lot of things can help here; checklists, education, good examples, pairing and even code templates.

On thing that I have found incredible useful is to create a short template to help you get started. My template sets up a test with a proper naming and the Arrange-Act-Assert parts of the test body. Finally it sets up an assertion that fails until you have implemented the tests. It’s a bit verbose but I’ve found it to be very useful for beginners. Of course we change it to our needs and the situation we’re in.

Automated testing tools such as Mighty Moose or NCrunch can also be helpful to lower the bar for the testing feedback loop. These tools run the affected tests on each save (or compilation). Note that people might need help to set the tools up and you’ll need hardware that can handle the burden of compiling and testing frequently.

Finally, but that almost goes without saying, you want to enable testing in the build that is run on each check-in. That will both keep your code base clean and safe but also give quick feedback to the developer committing code. But make sure that you fix the broken build

That’s a couple of ways of scripting the critical moves.

Point to the destination

This is the part where you send a postcard from the future – showing everybody how wonderful and well everything will work when you have come to this place.

Here I would talk about us being able to develop faster and safer protected by a test suite that we trust. Be sure not to fall into the trap of sending illusions of 100 % code coverage (100% of your code is tested). That number is not worth striving for, unless you use TDD when you get it for free :).

I usually tell stories about companies that have mastered this. My favorite is about a Swedish online gaming site that releases more than once a day (386 releases in 2009 if I recall correctly). That’s cool but the really cool part comes with the process; the last manual step… the developer checks in. The rest is automated; build, unit testing, automated regression testing, automated acceptance testing and deployment. To a level where everybody feel safe just to release it.

That blew me away the first time I heard about it.

End of part 1

This is already to long. I will publish this in parts. Stay tuned for the Motivation of the Elephant (Find the feeling, Shrink the change and Grow you people) and Shape the path (Tweak the environment, build habits and rally the herd) parts of this.

Thank you for now.

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