I got an invitation to the Sweden Progressive .NET (the group formerly known as Alt.Net Sweden) to do a presentation on SpecFlow. I know many of the people in this group, a lot of them work for Avega, and have the highest respect for their knowledge.
So to get an invite from them to talk about a BDD tool was really cool, and a bit nerve-wracking. But it also made me step up my game and I put quite a lot of time into creating a demonstration project that shows the different features of SpecFlow and how to use them effectively.
Of course, I created features for them so that you can easily read and understand them without even having to look at code. This was inspired by how TechTalk themselves spec out new features of SpecFlow and proved to work very well. I plan to update them as new features come along.
I also threw together a simple (very simple) demonstration site and two different specification projects that show how you would write .features against the controller (“just under GUI”) level and directly against the UI as well.
You can find the project here: the project here. And here is the presentation.
Specification by example with specflow 110217 (Specification by example with specflow 110217)
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