Yesterday, we made a final touch to our build script (by “we” I mean “I talked about it for five minutes, Christer did it”).
We needed to create a .bat
file that installs our database for a specific version and environment. The necessary information is only known at runtime in the build script.
I remembered there was an MSBuild community task for this purpose, and Christer found the task WriteLinesToFile. He then wrote the following target to create the .bat
<CmdLine Include="@ECHO OFF"/>
<CmdLine Include="ECHO About to install version $(BuildVersion) on environment $(DeployEnv)"/>
<CmdLine Include="SET /p passw=Enter DB password for $(DeployEnv): "/>
<CmdLine Include="CALL main.bat $(DeployEnv) . $(BuildVersion) %passw%"/>
<CmdLine Include="PAUSE"/>
This script will prompt the user for a password so that it doesn’t need to be hard-coded into the script.
Nice job, Christer—nicely done!