I am from today starting a period with some really weird stuff on my schedule:
- Today I will be a Santa at Elins work. I have never done the Santa-stuff before, will have to choose a voice later today
- Tomorrow I will give a presentation on SOA (Service Oriented Architecture). This is scary since so many people have things to say about it. I have prepared and hope that it will work out alright.
- Saturday - playing with the Salvation Army. Typical Christmas stuff for me and a lot of people in the world.
- On Sunday there is a gig with the Vasa Band in some church. It will be fun
- And then to top things of with - on Tuesday the 19th the Vasa Band will be “door” number 19 in the “advent”-calender in the Old Town in Stockholm
As I said a lot of really different and weird stuff. But all of them are fun. I hope I will have time to buy some Christmas presents also.